A break-up is one of the most traumatic emotional experiences that anyone can ever experience in life. This experience can lead to several effects like depression, lack of motivation, self-pity, anger, embarrassment, and more. This is actually one of the things that keep a person from getting into a relationship. It doesn’t matter how long the relationship has been, it could be months or years, still, the heartaches will be worst.
A broken relationship can be caused by several factors but the worst among them is “falling out of love” with each other. Nevertheless, this is preventable. Falling out of love with your partner is not something that could happen without your permission. You can’t just let it happen and blame destiny or fate when your relationship didn’t work out. When you feel like the spark between the two of you is starting to fade, there are ways to reignite the flame.

Go back to where it all started
When you started dating, everything seemed to be so vibrant, colorful, fun, and exciting. So, go back to where it all started – literally and figuratively. Go back to the place where you first met and to the places where you had the most memorable moments. It can bring back good memories that can help you go back to the things you used to love about your partner. Go back to the dreams that you have shared with each other.
Try new things
Monotony in a relationship is the main source of boredom. When the relationship gets boring, it would surely lead to break-ups. Try new things with your partner to bring back the excitement in each other’s company. Go out of your comfort zones, try new food, explore new places, do crazy things, try new hobbies, and the like. Maybe all you need is a little ice breaker.
Give presents
During the early stage of your relationship, you were both trying to surprise each other with little things that could make you feel good and happy. So, giving presents big or small can surely bring back the happy feeling of being in the relationship.
Spend time with each other
Spending time with your partner is an inevitable way of expressing your love and care. Thus, no matter how busy you are with other things, if you have a love worth saving, make it a priority.
Show your love and affection
A tight hug and little kisses after a tiring day can definitely make everything feel better. Hence, bring back the spark by being sweet and passionate. Hug often, hold hands more, and say “I love you” all the time.
Keeping the spark in the relationship is the key to conquer all the trials and live happily ever after. Remember, staying in love with your partner is not a chance but a choice so, when things get rough, find reasons to hold on rather than reasons to let go. Love is an endless adventure. Just keep going and enjoy the journey.