How to help someone leave a narcissist

• Encourage the person to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor: It’s like going to the gym for your mind, but instead of getting ripped abs you get emotional stability. Plus, therapists have great snacks.

• Help them create a safety plan and identify safe places they can go if necessary: Think of it as creating an escape route in case of emergency, just like when we were kids playing cops and robbers. But this time it’s real life.

• Validate their feelings and experiences, letting them know that what they are going through is not their fault: You’re not responsible for someone else’s bad behavior any more than you’re responsible for making sure everyone likes pineapple on pizza (spoiler alert: no one does).

• Offer practical support such as helping with childcare, transportation, or finding housing options: Basically be a superhero sidekick minus the cape (unless capes are your thing – then by all means go ahead).

• Avoid blaming or criticizing the narcissist in front of the person, as this may cause further harm: Don’t give into temptation to call out the narcissist on social media because while it might feel satisfying in the moment…it probably won’t end well.

• Provide resources such as books, articles, and support groups for survivors of narcissistic abuse: Knowledge is power! And also sometimes makes really good conversation starters at parties.

• Remind them that leaving a narcissist can be difficult but it is possible with proper planning and support: It’s basically like trying to break up with an octopus who doesn’t want to let go – tricky but doable!

• Encourage self-care practices like exercise, meditation or journaling to reduce stress levels : Take care of yourself first so you can take care of others later. Kinda like putting on your own oxygen mask before assisting others during turbulence on a plane.

• Be patient and supportive throughout process leaving a narcissist: Like a good pizza, leaving a narcissist takes time and patience. But unlike pizza, it’s worth the wait.

• Help the person identify their support system, such as friends and family members who can offer emotional support: It’s like building your own Avengers team – but instead of fighting Thanos you’re taking down toxic relationships!

• Encourage them to document incidents of abuse or manipulation for legal purposes if necessary: Basically be their personal stenographer so they have evidence in case things get legally messy.

• Offer to accompany them to appointments with lawyers, police or other professionals as a supportive presence : Be that friend who shows up at 3am when someone needs bail money…but during daylight hours and without any actual crimes being committed.

• Avoid pressuring the person into leaving before they are ready, but gently encourage progress towards that goal: Think of it like trying to convince your cat to come cuddle with you – sometimes it just takes some gentle coaxing (and maybe some treats).

• Remind them that they deserve love and respect in all relationships , including romantic ones : You’re not asking for too much by wanting basic human decency from another person. In fact, I think we should raise our standards even higher than “basic”.

• Encourage them to set boundaries with the narcissist and stick to those boundaries consistently : Boundaries are like fences around your emotional garden – keep out what doesn’t belong there! And also don’t forget about watering your plants regularly because self-care is important.

• Help them develop coping mechanisms for dealing with triggers or negative emotions related to their experience : Coping mechanisms are basically adult versions of security blankets. So go ahead and bring on the fuzzy socks/blankets/hot cocoa combo!

• Provide reassurance that leaving a narcissist is not selfish or wrong despite what the abuser may say: Leaving an abusive relationship isn’t giving up; it’s taking control of your life. And that’s pretty badass if you ask me.

• Support their decision-making process without judgement or criticism: Be like a cheerleader, but instead of pom-poms use words of encouragement and support. Go team!

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