How to text an ex-girlfriend after no contact

Texting an ex-girlfriend is uncharted waters for most people; they maintain radio silence even when they feel the urge to get in touch with her, especially if it was a bad breakup. If you’ve decided to get in touch with your girlfriend after following the no contact rule for as long as you could, it is important to get it right. The goal is to get them to at least consider having back in their lives, even if as a platonic friend.

We have put together some winning ways of getting in touch with your girlfriend, crafting that text that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from getting in touch with you.

Remind her of a memorable moment you shared

The goal here is to make her remember how fond you were of each other. Therefore, it is important to pick a moment that wasn’t overly intimate. Let’s say you went to the movies one time and had some guy who couldn’t stop making annoying comments throughout the movie sitting behind you and she told him to shut up in a way he couldn’t believe. You could draft a text around that moment. Something like, “about to see a movie now and hoping I don’t have any form of crazy sitting behind me because I’m not sure I can handle them”.

This text will remind her of the fun moment the both of you had as friends and most likely get her to start talking to you.

Tell them how much you miss them

You do not want to send an overly long text message telling them about how you feel. You want to keep it simple yet conveying the fact that you miss them. You could go “I was about to get ice cream, and I’m thinking of how you always added so many toppings. I miss you”. You could also go all “I have been holding myself from getting in touch, but I can’t do that anymore. Hope you’re doing well. I miss you”.

With this type of text message, you’re able to tell her that you miss her in a simple yet honest way. You will need to lose a bit of your pride to pull this through. This is important to be able to convey the fact that you have been thinking of them in the text in a way that gets them to reply to you and keep in touch.

You could also simply ask for one more chance to be their friend. You could draft a text thus, “I was wondering if enough water has gone under the bridge for us to be friends”.

Tell a joke

Seeing that you guys were in a relationship that was so good that you miss them, you should be able to tell what will make them laugh easily. Whatever it is, find a way to work it into your text message. It is important to ensure that the joke is appropriate so that you’re not in a worse situation than you initially were.

While getting in touch with your ex-girlfriend, it is important to keep the expectations realistic and be ready to accept the fact that they might not get back to you at all. Just give it your best shot!

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