“I thought she was the one…”

Another relationship just ended and you’re wondering why she wasn’t the one. You were so sure, but the turn of events has proven otherwise. Now, you’re wondering how you will be able to tell the one or if there even is actually someone out there who is.

Finding that person that connects with you on a level you can’t achieve with anyone else is amazing, one of the most amazing feelings in the world actually. It is thus important to know how to tell that she’s the one – we have put together five ultimate signs so that you definitely do not miss her.

You can’t get enough of her

You’ve probably been in relationships where, although you love her, sometimes you just want some time away from her. That doesn’t happen with “the one”. You can’t get enough of her and cannot point out a specific reason for that. You talk to her about everything; she’s involved in every part of your life, and you still can’t get enough of her. When you find such a person, chances are that she’s the one – there are very few people you will ever connect with on such a level in the world.

You trust her completely

Before her, you probably thought trust needed to be earned and didn’t trust people enough. Now she’s in your life, and you tell her everything. You’re crossing the boundaries you created without even knowing it, and you’re loving the process. That level of bond with anyone is rare, especially as it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust people. If you’re crossing those trust boundaries without even realizing it with her, then she’s the one.

You can’t wait to introduce her to your family

Introducing anyone, even platonic friends, to family can be quite nerve-racking. Family is such an important part of one’s life that it is hard to introduce just anyone to family. If you’re at a point where introducing her to family doesn’t seem that much of an issue, then you are most likely into her in a way that is deep. So, if you’ve introduced her to your family, especially if your family means the world to you, or are planning to do so soon, she’s probably the one.

You are planning a future with her

While you’re loving every moment of the present, you’re planning, whether mentally or otherwise, the future with her. You love her now, and you can see yourself loving her for much more time. If you’re in such a situation, she’s most likely the one.

You’re completely comfortable around her

Everyone has a bit of quirkiness that they keep locked in the deepest chambers. Thus, they do not open up completely to a lot of people, even when they are dating. When you’re in a relationship where you’re completely yourself, then she’s most likely the one, and you wouldn’t want to lose such a relationship.

It’s important to seek out a relationship with someone you can’t get enough of. When a lot or all of the signs highlighted above check out, she’s most likely the one.

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