Interview With Counsellor Lynsey Lowe

Lynsey Lowe is a BACP Accredited Therapist with over 10 years’ experience of working with individuals, couples and groups. Her initial practice and main area of interest was working with survivors of trauma. Lynsey worked for a specialist trauma service for over 5 years as a counsellor, trainer and manager. She enjoys working with couples and is expanding that side of her practice. Prior to training as a psychotherapist she worked as a careers adviser in the NHS. She now works for the NHS as a therapist delivering IAPT counselling and in private practice as a therapist, clinical supervisor and trainer. You can learn more about Lynsey Lowe at

How and/or why did you become a therapist?

I became a therapist because for the reason I suspect most people do – because I’d experienced difficult times in my life and wanted to explore that and gain a greater understanding of myself and what had happened. Unusually I hadn’t had therapy myself before commencing my training but I had done a great deal of personal development work as part of being a careers adviser so I guess that was where my understanding of how support can help you understand yourself better and then make changes in your life.

What are the most rewarding aspects of being a therapist?

The most rewarding aspect of being a therapist is seeing people change, seeing them gain a clearer perspective about problems and difficulties and gain the courage to make different or difficult choices which ultimately give them a happier life.

What’s unique or special in your background or approach to interpersonal relationships?

I think what I bring to my work with couples is empathy and understanding – as I do with individual clients. I also bring challenge as that’s necessary if there is to be learning and transformation.

What are your favorite or most interesting interpersonal relationship tips/advice?

Communicate! It’s so simple and yet so complex. We all can get into patterns of avoidance but if we aren’t communicating with our partner/friend then difficulties will only increase. Of course it’s scary for lots of reasons and that’s where therapy can help because you can learn to communicate more safely and more productively.

What are some of the biggest mistakes a therapist or patient can make?

I think the biggest mistake clients make is to walk away when it gets difficult, rather than sharing that with the therapist. It’s those ‘difficult bits’ where the most transformation can happen but if they leave or walk away then they’re missing out on something potentially life changing. Therapists do, of course, make mistakes and the best thing we can do is ‘own them’ and let the client know – from this comes great learning for both parties.

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