Interview With Dr. Lennie Soo

How and/or why did you become a therapist?

My doctorate is in Counselling Psychology. Most therapists become therapists because of the challenges in their own lives and I am no different. I became a therapist because of the challenges that I had faced in life and I wanted to understand how to manage and handle these challenges better. I think I became a good therapist after I had a freak accident which almost cost me my life in 2006. That was when I broke my neck and as with life’s serendipity my training in what appears to be a diverse unrelated fields came together to help me overcome the disabilities that I experience after the accident. Family Matters when you are in a crisis and I feel that helping couples, is akin to helping their families.

What are the most rewarding aspects of being a therapist?

I feel that the most rewarding aspect of being a therapist is the privilege of being allowed by my clients to walk part of their life’s journey with them and to accept my presence and interventions during their times of crisis. I am humbled by their courage to open themselves up to a stranger and to seek help when needed to save their relationship. Isn’t that the wonderful manifestation of love?
What’s unique or special in your background or approach to interpersonal relationships?

I have a background in clinical hypnotherapy and in personality profiling and I think my background in these 2 fundamental areas of human psyche help me develop the Solution Method of building and strengthening relationships.

What are your favorite or most interesting interpersonal relationship tips/advice?

I advise couples in the midst of divorce to be kind to each other. It is a simple advise but if we can be as kind to our partners as we are to others, even if the relationship ends, the closure will be less traumatic.
What are some things about therapy that you want to increase public awareness about?

Talking to your friends about your problem is not therapy although it can be therapeutic. If you have spend more than 6 months trying to fix something and things continue to deteriorate, it is obvious that your strategy is not working and you need to seek professional help. I also like to say that research findings had found that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. Those who are weak are the least likely to seek help, so be strong and reach out for help. Also studies have reported that the success rate of those who undergo relationship counselling is around 50-80% so statistically it is a good idea to seek help.
What are some of the biggest mistakes a therapist or patient can make?

The biggest mistake that a therapist can make is to think that they know everything and to make assumptions about their clients or is focus on area such as fame, money or reputation and not on the client. A therapist who allows their ego to control the session, is a therapist who has lost the plot.


You can learn more about Dr. Soo at

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