Interview With Krystal Boothe, LCSW

Krystal Boothe is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and owner of Wings of the Future. Boothe grew up in Detroit, MI from an underprivileged family in an abusive home; her father had two wives. The abusive environment made a major impact in her schooling as she had special educational classes. As an adult, she found herself repeating the cycle of abuse; she became a victim. “[I] was in an abusive relationship for nine long years, but [no] one could tell. [I covered] my pain…and suffered in silence.” After leaving her abuser, she married her current husband in 1999, but after 14 years of marriage they divorced only to reunite after 3 years to found Wings of the Future shortly after. Krystal Boothe was featured as a survivor for Mary Kay’s “Inspiring Stories: Give Hope” documentary ( where she shares her story of Hope, resilience and recovery.

Who We Are

Wings of the Future is a Private Practice located in LA, Pasadena and Quartz Hill Antelope Valley. It provides treatment in psychotherapy/counseling, psychological assessment and group therapy/classes. Wings of the Future addresses trauma with the use of various treatment modalities including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness (Inner Child Healing) to assist client’s in discovering and healing complex trauma. Our clientele is typically adults, adolescents, children and their families in Los Angeles County who have DCFS and court-ordered counseling and Psychotherapy group/classes. We strive to provide the highest quality of rehabilitative services by psycho-educating each client about trauma, codependency, domestic abuse, mental health, addiction and various other issues which contribute to the separation of families. To learn more about what we do check out our website @

Our Mission

Our mission at Wings of the Future is to facilitate the healing process of marginalized underserved families from trauma so that they can emerge into functional family systems. We aim to assist our clients with developing the skills necessary to create healthy and rewarding relationships. We believe this is the key to an individual’s growth and can benefit the families we serve.

How and/or why did you become a therapist?

My desire to learn psychotherapy came out of my own pain from complex trauma. As a young girl growing up in Detroit Michigan I experienced almost every form of trauma known to man. From attachment, domestic violence to physical and emotional abuse. But it was not until my teen years following a very traumatic incident that I said to myself “I’m going to become a psychologist because people need help” at the time I barely knew the word psychologist, but somehow, I arrived at this decision to help others. I guess I thought to myself. “I wish someone would help me.” That simple statement was like a cry for God’s help. It was not until years later that I was working as a case manager for an agency in California when I was spotted by an intern from University of Southern California. This young lady would not leave me alone and encouraged me every time she saw me to apply for the master’s program. I wasn’t long before I took her advice and applied. The rest is history.

What are the most rewarding aspects of being a therapist?

I sometimes believe therapy was made just for me. I know that sounds silly how can a whole profession be made for one person. Its just that it fulfills me in so many ways, it’s hard to completely describe. I feel so honored to be trusted with people lives. To be allowed into the most secret places of a person life to help them discover, uncover and expose their true selves. It brings so much joy to my heart when through listening. I help others heal themselves again and again. This is so rewarding. Not to mention using my emotional intelligence, analytical skills, compassion, empathy, and so many more skills. I feel like when I leave a session, I grow more knowledgeable each time I interact with my clients. Never boring day in this profession.

What’s unique or special in your background or approach to interpersonal relationships?

I approach interpersonal relationship with the understanding that you can never have a better relationship with anyone then you have with self. If you can’t love yourself or have compassion for yourself in an area, you will find it hard to transfer this to another. All relationships stem from the relationship we have with ourselves. However, judgmental or conditional that may be. This can be challenging for people because we often model our disposition towards self from our primary caregivers. This can be unlearned, but one must be consistent and ready to break old negative patterns of behavior.

What are your favorite or most interesting interpersonal relationship tips/advice?

My advice when having a relationship is to simply be open and willing to connect. Honest communication is key. Allow others to see who you are so they can learn to trust you.

What are some things about therapy that you want to increase public awareness about?

My main public service announcement in therapy would be to learn as much as you can about the complex trauma and how it impacts a person’s ability to function in their daily life and develop and maintain healthy relationships. Trauma influences so many areas of a person’s life that to completely understand it is a life journey. This is something I feel needs to continue to be brought to the front-line of this profession.

What are some of the biggest mistakes a therapist or patient can make?

Boundaries crossing is one of the biggest mistakes you can make with a client particularly when they have trauma. Its something that should be reviewed on a regular basis when working in the helping profession.

Being dumpedCommitment PhobiaInterviews With NovelistsInterviews With TherapistsLeaving NarcissistsMBTI compatibilityMiscellaneousPolyamoryQuestions to ask guysSocial media and relationships

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