Interview With Mirel Goldstein, MS, MA, LPC

How and/or why did you become a therapist?

I confess that it’s because I absolutely thrive on emotional intensity 🙂

And that I live for those moments of connection that are just so real, authentic, and deep 🙂

And that I want my clients to have that too 🙂

A place where they can really say WHATEVER they want, need, or desire to say. Where they can say the things that no one is really talking about because they’re afraid of being hurt or hurting someone else, of disapproval or rejection. Or because they’re just too busy pretending to “have it all together”, or covering up insecurities, or perhaps just being socially “appropriate” or politically correct.

I want to give people a place to be real. Really real. (I mean it).

And that’s why from the moment people step into my office, I cut right to the chase.

I don’t sit and make small talk with you because people don’t need me for THAT.

I’m don’t lead the conversation because the real stuff comes out when people don’t know what they’re “supposed” to say.

And I’m not one of those therapists who rescues people from an awkward silences because that is often the moment just before people share the most important things.

I sit with people as they find their way, yet I promise I am NOT one of those therapists who just listens and does not speak.

I may challenge but I will never shame and I will not judge.

The clients who work well with me are those who know there has to be something MORE and who are willing to fight for it 100%.

The couples who succeed with me are the ones who are ready to take down their walls and give love a chance…again. Despite being hurt. Despite being afraid. Despite being angry. They’re willing to rediscover the person they think they know so well (oh, but the other is never who we think they are!)

I encourage couples to be honest, vulnerable, soft, firm, bounded, and connected.

My best tip is for people to listen to understand…to really understand. Get out of defensive mode because it covers up more than it reveals.

I want the world to know the power of connection. And I want people to know that it’s not weak to seek help.


You can learn more about Mirel Goldstein at

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