Interview With Relationship Coach Johnie Hinson

Johnie Hinson
Johnie Hinson Ministries
Yorktown, VA

What advice do you have on giving space in a relationship after a fight?

I would be very careful about giving too much space after a fight because unresolved issues can quickly fester into major problems. Somebody needs to apologize quickly, because in marriage there are NO winners or losers. It’s either both win, or both lose. Satan loves to fill one’s mind with lies and
part-truths to divide and destroy.

If an ex-girlfriend completely ignores a man, what could be the reason and what should he do about it?

If it’s an EX-girlfriend, leave it alone and get on with your life.

What advice do you have about starting a long distance relationship with someone you just met?

Don’t start it unless sometime in the near future you know that the distance will be shorten. It’s difficult to nurture a connection with a person you can’t see or touch on a consistent basis.

Under what circumstances is it a good idea to get back with an ex-boyfriend?

What were the circumstances that created the EX-boyfriend? If they were serious, leave it alone. If they were menial, try again but get rid of the pride.

What does love feel like for men, and how is it different or similar to the way women feel love?

Love is a choice, not an emotion. People chose to give love, or they chose to withhold love. Feelings get people in trouble.

What advice do you have for women in their 20’s on meeting men?

PRAY! God has a plan for your life and He has man picked out for you that will work with you to build the relationship. It’s a God-ordained institution that needs God to be in the middle of the marriage, not on the outside. 

What are the differences between love and having a crush?

Infatuation is not love. It’s the desire to be with someone that you know nothing about and start a romance that you hope will work out. Love is a choice to be with someone you are willing to work with to build a meaningful connection.

What are some of the best ways for a woman to get over a man she likes?

Why does she like him? Is he married? Does a potential connection seem like a good or bad idea? If she needs to leave him alone, that’s easy, get on with your life. Life and love are choices we make.

Being dumpedCommitment PhobiaInterviews With NovelistsInterviews With TherapistsLeaving NarcissistsMBTI compatibilityMiscellaneousPolyamoryQuestions to ask guysSocial media and relationships

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