Leaving a narcissistic alcoholic

• It’s important to prioritize safety when leaving a narcissistic alcoholic.

Leaving an alcoholic is hard enough, but if they’re also a narcissist, it can be downright dangerous. Make sure you have your ducks in a row before making any moves.

• The individual should have a support system in place, such as friends or family members who can offer emotional and practical assistance during the transition.

You know what they say: “It takes a village.” And it definitely takes more than one person to get through this kind of situation. Call up your besties and let them know you need their help!

• Creating a plan for financial independence is crucial, as narcissists may use money as a means of control.

Money talks! Unfortunately, sometimes that talk can turn into yelling matches with someone who thinks they own all the cash. Get yourself sorted out financially so you don’t end up broke and alone.

• Seeking therapy or counseling can be helpful for processing emotions and developing coping strategies.

There’s no shame in seeking professional help – we could all use some guidance every now and then. A therapist will give you tools to deal with your feelings without resorting to drinking like ol’ Narcy McAlcoholism over there.

• Establishing clear boundaries with the narcissistic alcoholic is essential to maintain one’s own well-being and reduce the likelihood of being drawn back into their orbit.

Boundaries are like fences – they keep things contained where they belong (i.e., not inside your head). Set those limits early on so nobody tries to cross them later.

• Cutting off all contact with the individual may be necessary if they are not willing or able to respect these boundaries.

Sometimes drastic measures are needed…like blocking phone numbers or moving across state lines. You do what ya gotta do!

• It’s common for individuals leaving narcissistic alcoholics to experience feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt; seeking professional help can provide additional support during this time.

Remember that you’re not alone in feeling like a hot mess. Talk to someone who knows what they’re doing and get some perspective on how awesome you really are.

• Staying committed to self-care practices like exercise, meditation, and healthy eating habits can aid in recovery from trauma associated with living in an abusive environment.

Take care of yourself! You deserve it after putting up with all that nonsense for so long. Go for a run or eat some kale – whatever floats your boat!

• It’s important to document any abusive behavior or threats made by the narcissistic alcoholic, as this can be used as evidence in legal proceedings.

Write everything down! Dates, times, places…it’ll come in handy if things escalate further than you ever thought possible.

• Finding a safe place to live away from the individual is crucial for physical and emotional safety.

You know where “away” is? Anywhere he ain’t. Find somewhere safe where you don’t have to worry about running into him at the grocery store.

• If there are children involved, it may be necessary to seek custody arrangements through legal means; having an experienced lawyer can make this process smoother.

Kids complicate things even more (as if leaving wasn’t hard enough). Get yourself a good lawyer who knows their stuff so you don’t end up losing out on quality time with your little ones.

• Joining support groups specifically for those leaving narcissistic alcoholics can provide additional guidance and validation of one’s experiences.

Misery loves company…in a good way! There are plenty of people out there going through similar situations – find them and bond over shared struggles.

• Recognizing that healing takes time and patience is key; progress may not happen overnight but small steps towards recovery should be celebrated.

Rome wasn’t built in a day (and neither was recovering from Narcissist Alcoholism Syndrome). Celebrate the little victories and keep on truckin’!

• Avoiding engaging in arguments or trying to reason with the narcissistic alcoholic during the separation process can reduce conflict and protect mental health.

You know what they say about arguing with idiots…don’t do it. It’s not worth your time, energy, or sanity.

• Being aware of potential hoovering tactics (attempts by the abuser to draw you back into their life) such as love bombing or promises of change, can help individuals stay vigilant in maintaining boundaries post-separation.

Watch out for those sneaky Narcy McAlcoholism moves! They’ll try anything to get you back under their thumb – don’t let ’em win.

Being dumpedCommitment PhobiaInterviews With NovelistsInterviews With TherapistsLeaving NarcissistsMBTI compatibilityMiscellaneousPolyamoryQuestions to ask guysSocial media and relationships

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