Below is our interpretation of the best dating tips found on the blog of Dr. Paulette Sherman, author of several relationship books and many more on other topics – see them at https://www.amazon.com/Paulette-Kouffman-Sherman/e/B001JRUK30.
1. Ways to meet other singles: The online route (dating websites, social media, etc.) opens lots of options for low cost/risk/effort and has the advantage of being easier to see (at the very least) basic info of prospects before you interact with them (like age). Offline methods are largely divided into hobbies or interest groups, dedicated matchmaking environments and places where singles tend to mingle – some of these environments will naturally be composed of more compatible people while with others you may have to choose specific versions like ones with a specific age range.
2. Showing interest: Smiling and looking at someone can make it more likely for them to make the first move and approach by giving them more confidence that the outcome will be positive. Don’t overthink conversation starters – the simplest of small talk can easily lead to bigger things in the future.
3. First date: Keep your eyes and attention focused your date only and don’t let it wander (whether that be to another person or an object). Mind your manners. Be on time. Stick to positive conversation topics (and make sure they do more talking than you do). Dress well but not in something that makes you uncomfortable.
4. Being single during the holidays: You are worth no less and your life no less rich than if you were with someone – and make sure to tell people as much if they suggest otherwise (not to mention it’s none of their business). Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you’re undesirable, and you should be able to find plenty of real-life examples of other people that prove and reinforce this (and which incidentally should be ones you spend your time with).
5. Rejection: Keep your head and self-esteem up – rejection by nature is subjective, not objective. Remember that rejection happens most of the time to most people in most situations (and not just with dating but with everything else in life as well). Think about the reverse situation too – the next time you meet someone you would reject outright, consider giving them a second (or third) chance.