Signs a shy girl likes you: body language

A shy girl will most likely have a hard time expressing how she really feels. That is why if you like a shy girl, you need to be ready with extra sensitive senses and with your decoding skills. You need to be up for the challenge but that is actually great as it means that your romantic adventure with a shy girl will never be dull or boring.

Here are some body language signs a shy girl likes you:

Eyes, Eyes, Baby

As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. That is even more so with shy girls. They are not too confident about their skills with language so they find other ways to send their message across. Most often, they tell you how they feel through their eyes. There are two ways in how her eyes can tell you that she likes you. First, she keeps on looking at you every chance she gets and second, she can’t look you straight in the eyes.

Most Helpful

She is always waiting for a chance to offer help. This way, you will appreciate what she does without blatantly telling you that she likes you. Still, it is a subtle way of telling you and making you feel that you are special because she is willing to exert effort and spend time just to help you. It also gives her the perfect opportunity to spend time with you.

The Infamous Hair Flip

You will see this in most romantic comedy films and it seems like girls always find a way to make it look cute no matter what their hairstyle is. If they cannot stop fixing their hair, their face, or their clothing whenever they are in front of you, this is most likely because she needs your approval about the way she looks. It simply means that she cares about what you think or how you feel about her.

She’s got the look

You need to closely observe where she looks at you. If she looks at your eyes and then averts her looks towards your lips then she is sending a silent message of the attraction that she feels.

The Talk

She loves talking to you but only when you are the one who initiates the conversation. A shy girl would find it impossible to start a conversation especially with a person that she likes. However, if she is not interested, she will most likely ignore you or just give a non-committal response.

Giggle Gigs

Most men are proud of their sense of humor and it is one of the things that women find attractive in men. However, you may notice that a shy girl giggles like a school girl each time you crack a joke even when you know that it’s not really that funny. That is most likely because she likes you and it is not the joke that makes her giggle but your mere presence.

When you observe closely, you will surely get the message of the body language signs a shy girl likes you.

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