Signs he will never propose

At some point in every relationship, you’ll begin to assess the possibility of it lasting forever. In your mind’s eye, you’ve found the man you want to walk down the aisle with but any time you bring up the idea of long term commitment, he gets defensive and tries to shut you down. At this point, you’re beginning to worry and you’re thinking, “what if it was all a waste? What if he’s never going to take this relationship to the next level?” If you’re in a relationship that makes you feel this way, suppressing your fears should be the last thing. You need to get to the bottom of this and know for sure whether you’re going for him to pop the question forever. That’s why in this post, we’ve revealed some signs that he will never propose to you.

He avoids discussing marriage

If a man knows that he’s never going to ask you to marry him, he’ll mostly try to avoid the discussion altogether. If you’ve observed that anytime you bring up marriage or anything that resembles long term commitment, he gets evasive or instantly tries to change the subject, then you might want to re-evaluate your relationship.

Darcy proposing to Elizabeth in "Pride and Prejudice" 1894 Chapter 34
Darcy proposing to Elizabeth in “Pride and Prejudice” 1894 Chapter 34

He has negative thoughts and opinions about marriage

So you’ve noticed that anytime marriage comes up, he has one negative comment or the other. Pay attention honey, he’s probably trying to tell you something. The chances that he will submit himself to an institution he doesn’t respect or think highly of are slim to none.

None of his long term plans include you

If someone believes that you are going to be a part of your life for a long time, their plans will reflect it. If none of them have anything to do with you, then that might be a sign that he has no intention of spending the rest of his life with you. For example, if he has no problem booking weekend gates but he goes cold when you bring up planning for an event in the not so near future, then that might be a red flag.

He hides you from his friends and family

A man who loves you wouldn’t hesitate to tell his friends and family about you. But if you notice that he has to make an introduction every time you run into someone he knows, or he even tries to avoid making that introduction, there is a possibility that you’re wasting your best years with that man.

He’s all talk and action

Sometimes when a man is tired of getting asked about marriage and he just needs to get you off his back, he begins to make promises he has no intention of keeping. So you’ve noticed that a few months back when you brought up the topic, he seemed eager but to date no actions have been taken on those promises, you might be with a man who is just trying to stall.

If after reading this post, you feel like it’s addressing your relationship, relax and don’t do anything drastic. Have a conversation with your man and find out what exactly he wants. If he still seems unsure or dismissive, then you might want to cut your losses and move on.

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