Two commitment phobes dating

• Two commitment phobes dating can be a recipe for disaster. If two people who are afraid of commitment decide to date each other, it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire and hoping it doesn’t explode.

• They may both struggle with making plans and sticking to them. When you’re afraid of committing to anything long-term, even something as simple as planning a dinner date can feel overwhelming.

• Both parties might avoid discussing the future of their relationship or where it’s headed. Talking about the future means acknowledging that there is one, which is enough to send most commitment-phobic individuals running for the hills.

• Communication issues could arise, as neither person wants to fully commit or express their feelings. It’s hard to have an open and honest conversation when your default mode is “let’s just keep things casual.”

• Trust may also be an issue, as they may fear being hurt if they let themselves become too vulnerable in the relationship. Vulnerability requires trust, but trust requires vulnerability – catch-22 much?

• The couple might find themselves stuck in a cycle of push-pull behavior, constantly pulling away from each other but then coming back together again. Commitment-phobia: because nothing says love quite like emotional whiplash!

• It’s possible that one partner will eventually want more commitment than the other is willing to give, causing tension and potentially leading to a breakup. Incompatible levels of commitment: not just for mismatched socks anymore!

• On the flip side, two commitment-phobic people who are happy with things staying casual could have a successful relationship without any pressure to take things further…until someone catches feelings or decides they actually want more out of life than Netflix-and-chill dates.

• Two commitment phobes dating may struggle to build a strong emotional connection…or any kind of connection at all beyond exchanging memes via text message once every three days.

• They might prioritize their independence and personal space over the needs of the relationship, leading to feelings of neglect or abandonment. “I need my alone time” is a valid excuse until it becomes your only excuse.

• The couple could find themselves in an on-again-off-again pattern that never seems to resolve itself…like a game of Relationship Whack-a-Mole!

• Both parties may have trouble committing not just to each other but also to other aspects of life such as career goals or family planning. If you can’t commit to buying a houseplant, how are you supposed to commit to raising actual human beings?

• It’s possible that one partner will try to push for more commitment than the other is comfortable with, causing tension and resentment between them. Nobody likes feeling pressured into doing something they’re not ready for – especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

• Trust issues can arise when both people are hesitant about sharing personal details or opening up emotionally. Sharing is caring…unless you’re afraid someone might care too much.

• The lack of clear boundaries around what constitutes a committed relationship can lead to confusion and miscommunication between partners. Are we exclusive? Do I call you my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/other? Let’s just avoid labels altogether!

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