Why are millennials afraid of commitment?

• Millennials grew up in a time of economic uncertainty, making them hesitant to commit financially. With the Great Recession hitting just as many millennials were entering adulthood, it’s no wonder that they’re wary about committing their hard-earned cash to anything long-term. Who knows when the next financial crisis will hit? Better keep those savings safe under your mattress…or invested in cryptocurrency.

• Social media and online dating have created an abundance of options for millennials, leading them to fear they might miss out on something better if they commit too soon. Swipe left or right? Check DMs or wait for someone else to slide into yours? The endless possibilities presented by social media can make commitment feel like settling down with one person is akin to picking only one flavor at an ice cream shop.

• Many millennials prioritize their personal growth and career goals over settling down with a partner at a young age. Why settle down when you could be climbing the corporate ladder or traveling the world solo? For some millennials, relationships may seem like an unnecessary distraction from achieving their individual dreams and aspirations.

• The high divorce rate among previous generations has made some millennials skeptical about the longevity of relationships. If our parents couldn’t make it work despite all their promises of “till death do us part,” what hope is there for anyone else?! Some millennials would rather avoid heartbreak altogether by avoiding serious commitments altogether.

• Some studies suggest that millennials are more likely than previous generations to struggle with anxiety and depression, which can make committing to a relationship feel overwhelming or daunting. When every little decision feels like life-or-death (should I text back immediately or wait three hours?), even thinking about signing onto Netflix together can trigger panic attacks.

• Millennials may also be less inclined toward traditional gender roles within relationships, causing tension when it comes to commitment expectations. Is he supposed pay for dinner because he’s male? Should she expect flowers every week because she’s female? Such expectations can be confusing and uncomfortable for millennials who reject traditional gender roles.

• Millennials have witnessed their parents and grandparents struggle with unhappy marriages, leading them to prioritize personal happiness over societal expectations. Why stick it out in a miserable relationship just because society tells you that’s what you’re supposed to do? For many millennials, the pursuit of individual happiness is more important than conforming to outdated norms.

• The rise of hookup culture has made casual relationships more common among millennials, making commitment feel less necessary or desirable. When “Netflix and chill” is the norm rather than dinner dates, it’s easy to see why some millennials might shy away from anything resembling long-term commitment.

• Many millennials delay marriage and starting a family due to financial constraints such as student loan debt and high cost of living expenses. With rent prices skyrocketing faster than an Elon Musk rocket launch, it’s no wonder that many young people are putting off settling down until they can afford something other than ramen noodles for dinner every night.

• Fear of losing independence is another reason why some millennials are afraid of committing to a long-term relationship or marriage. After years spent relishing in the freedom of single life (and not having anyone else hogging up all the blankets), sharing your space with someone else 24/7 can seem like quite the daunting prospect.

• Some studies suggest that growing up in divorced families can also contribute to the fear of commitment for some millennials. Having seen firsthand how messy breakups can get (cue mom yelling at dad over whose turn it was on carpool duty), it makes sense that some would want to avoid any potential drama by avoiding serious commitments altogether.

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